Woods Family Bible


Printed by: Printed at the University Press, for the British and Foreign Bible Society.
Date: Not stated.
Size: 9 x 11 and 2½inches


Black, leather bound and in fair condition.


Bertha WOODS married at Quetta Baluchistan to George WAITE (Captain 2nd Royal Dukstun - Fusiliers) on 26th September 1894


Ada Lucy married at Nottingham to Henry WILSON on December 1900


Ethel WOODS married at Holbeach to Frederick William MASTERS Col(lieutd) 1st Lincoln Regt. December 18th 1905
Died Sept 7th 1924 at Peterborough. Buried at Holbeach

Ida Annie WOODS married at Leeds to William PORTWOOD of Leeds July 23rd 1927

Bertha Patricia WAITE married at Chiswick Edward NORTH 1935


Ida Annie WOODS } passed on January 1959 PORTWOOD}
Bertha WAITE passed on .......................
"Pippa" GRANT - Dartmouth 1960 - May
William GRANT ("Billie" - beloved by all)
Dartmouth May 28th 1961

"He passed on as he lived, Unknown & unsung - but now He is at rest, in Peace and glorified by God"

Three Newspaper Cuttings

Cutting 1

GRANT - On July 12 1965 peacefully Mary Emily Adelaide of 3 Church Road Seal. Funeral service Seal Saturday July 17 10.30 a.m. Cut flowers may be sent

Mary GRANT - 1965 after great suffering - a great friend
Tom GLADSTONE - December 18th 1968
Fred HOLLAND - Jan 1961
Irene HOLLAND - Nov 1964

Charlotte Agnes WOODS died

Ephrain WOODS died March 20th 1923

1969 November 10-11th Mon Amis Will (Twadge) JONES - Beloved of friends - a great Character and Warrior - one of the best to me for 40 years. 'Remembrance Day'

Cutting 2

JONES - On Nov. 10 at Folkstone, Reverend Thomas William (Will) Austin JONES. MC, MA aged 91 fourth son of Canon David JONES, Rector of Llanfechan, beloved brother of Chris and Jim. Chaplain 1915 - 1922, Vicar of St. Mary's Peterborough 1926-1952. Family flowers only. Cremation Hawksinge. Monday Nov. 17 at 11 am.

Cutting 3

JONES - On Jan 30 at Bosworth House Huntingdon, Elizabeth Sophia Mary JONES. Funeral Tuesday Feb 3rd at 2.30 pm St. Mary's Church.


Bible is with its owner in Trunch, North Walsham, Norfolk and is available for sale.
Mentioned: Nottingham, Peterborough, Papworth, Holbeach, Leeds, Chiswick, Bombay, Butterant (Ireland), Embsay, Dartmouth

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© 2002-2025 BFB
First published: 6th June 2002
Document URI: bfb.torrens.org/Bibles/Woods.html
Last modified: 2022